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Quotes on the heart


Spiritual Heart

“Ours is the path of the heart. I tell my disciples that they have to empty their hearts totally so that Peace, Light and Bliss can descend from above and fill their inner vessel.”

Sri Chinmoy, 1

“You have to feel that there is something called the spiritual heart, which is inside the physical heart. Then you have to feel that inside the spiritual heart there is something called the soul. First open the heart-door. Once you are inside the heart, feel that you are trying to unlock another door. That is the door of the soul.”

Sri Chinmoy, 2

“Within the heart the soul abides. The soul permeates the whole body, but it abides in the heart, just as a man lives in a house, but stays most of the time in one certain room. One can feel the spiritual heart when one is aspiring intensely and one can also see it with the third eye. Every day each aspirant should concentrate on the heart and nowhere else. He has to feel that he does not have a head, he does not have legs, he does not have arms; he has only the heart. An aspirant can reach his spiritual heart through constant concentration and meditation.”

Sri Chinmoy, 3

Question: How can I go deep within? Sri Chinmoy: You have to feel that there is something called the spiritual heart, which is inside the physical heart. Then you have to feel that inside the spiritual heart there is something called the soul. First open the heart-door. Once you are inside the heart, feel that you are trying to unlock another door. That is the door of the soul.

Sri Chinmoy, 4

“The spiritual heart is vaster than the vastest. Right now Infinity is an imaginary concept for us. But when we discover our spiritual heart, Infinity is no longer imagination; it is reality.”

Sri Chinmoy, 5

“You cannot look physically at your spiritual heart, but you can focus all your attention on it. Then gradually, the power of your concentration enters into the heart and takes you completely out of the realm of the mind”

Sri Chinmoy, 6

“The heart has
Many special qualities.
Two are uppermost:
It knows how to care;
It knows how to share.”

Sri Chinmoy, 7

“Your mind has
A flood of questions.
There is but one teacher
Who can answer them.
Who is the teacher?
Your silence-loving heart.”

Sri Chinmoy, 8

“Your mind knows only
How to compile complaints.
Your heart knows only
How to sing oneness-song.”

Sri Chinmoy, 9

“The mind knows
How to dominate.
The heart knows
How to liberate.”

Sri Chinmoy, 10

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Quotes on self-giving


Because of self-giving friendship this world of ours is exceedingly beautiful.

Sri Chinmoy, 1

Its own reward.

Sri Chinmoy, 2

What we have is love and what we are is oneness. By offering love in any form to mankind – to our so-called superiors and so-called inferiors, or to our brothers and sisters of the world – we come to know what we ultimately and eternally are: oneness inseparable.

Sri Chinmoy, 3

We can have more joy only in self-giving, not in demanding.

Sri Chinmoy, 4

The more we give to humanity, the sooner we grow into our larger than the largest heart.

Sri Chinmoy, 5

There is a great difference between charity and self-offering in the spiritual life. In self-offering, we try to give what we have, unconditionally. When we give something in charity, we feel that the world will come to know and will appreciate and admire us.

Sri Chinmoy, 6

Constant self-offering
Is the easiest way
To peace.

Sri Chinmoy, 7

Total self-giving is found in the spiritual life when you have the capacity to identify yourself with something infinite. It is like giving your entire being-body, mind, heart and soul. What you have and what you are, you are giving to a divine cause.

Sri Chinmoy, 8

A self-giving heart
Beauty unparalleled.

Sri Chinmoy, 9

Sleepless self-giving
Knows no equal.

Sri Chinmoy, 10

Quotes on religion


“No religion is absolutely perfect. Yet not only do we fight for religion, but also are we often willing to sacrifice our lives for it. And what we hopelessly fail to do is to live it. A true religion is that which has no caste, no creed, no colour. It is but an all-uniting and all-pervading embrace.”

– Sri Chinmoy 1

“Love of God is the essence of all religions.”

– Sri Chinmoy 2

“Yes, I believe in one God, one Source. Love of God is like a tree — the life-tree — and it has many branches. Each of the branches has its own identity and its own name, such as Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam and so forth. But they are still branches of the same tree.”

– Sri Chinmoy 2

“The true religion
Is nothing short of

– Sri Chinmoy 4

“True religion has a universal quality. It does not find fault with other religions. False religions will find fault with other religions; they will say that theirs is the only valid religion and their prophet is the only saviour. But a true religion will feel that all the prophets are saviours of mankind. Forgiveness, compassion, tolerance, brotherhood and the feeling of oneness are the signs of a true religion.”

– Sri Chinmoy 5

“The name of my religion
Neither supremacy-peak
Nor argument-volcano.”

– Sri Chinmoy 6

“I feel very sad when religious sects quarrel and fight in the Name of God. If they really love God, they will not kill others in His Name. Love means oneness. If we have oneness, how can we fight? We fight only because we do not feel love for others, because we have not yet transformed our ignorance into oneness-reality.”

– Sri Chinmoy 7

“When the religion-bird
Flies in the spirituality-sky,
It far transcends religion-limitations.”

– Sri Chinmoy 8

“I also believe that all religions are ways to provide us with the experience of God, completely independent of the historical context of their messages. True, each religious teacher or prophet comes with a special message that suits the people of his time. But humanity’s ignorance and lack of receptivity are such that whenever a prophet comes, he always seems to have come ahead of his time.”

– Sri Chinmoy 2

“The modern path
Is to debate voraciously
About religion and scripture.
What a stupid path!”

– Sri Chinmoy 10

“The “love of God” religion
Does not claim
Man-made religions.”

– Sri Chinmoy 11

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Quotes on meditation


Benefits of meditation

“We meditate for various reasons. Peace of mind we all badly need. Therefore, when we meditate, either consciously or unconsciously we aim at peace of mind. Meditation give us peace of mind without a tranquilliser. And unlike a tranquilliser, the peace of mind that we get from meditation does not fade away. It lasts for good in some corner of the inmost recesses of our aspiring heart.”

– Sri Chinmoy 1

“When we meditate, we make our mind calm, quiet, vacant and tranquil, and we receive Light from above in infinite measure.”

Sri Chinmoy, 2

“Through meditation the soul becomes fully aware of its evolution in its eternal journey.”

Sri Chinmoy, 3

“Meditation alone can give birth to perfection. Meditation carries us beyond the frustration of the senses, beyond the limitation of the reasoning mind. And, finally, meditation can present us with the breath of perfection.”

– Sri Chinmoy 4

“If you want to simplify your life, meditation is the answer. If you want to fulfil your life, meditation is the answer. If you want to have joy and offer joy to the world at large, then meditation is the only answer.”

– Sri Chinmoy 5

What is meditation?

“Meditation is acceptance. It is the acceptance of life within us, without us and all around us. Acceptance of life is the beginning of human satisfaction. Transformation of life is the culmination of divine satisfaction.”

– Sri Chinmoy 6

In meditation we have to go far beyond the domain of the mind, because the mental faculty is very limited.

Sri Chinmoy, 7

“Meditation is man’s thirst for the Infinite Real, Eternal Real and Absolute Real. The secret of meditation is to achieve conscious and constant oneness with God.”

– Sri Chinmoy 4

“We can easily know whether we are meditating well or not just by the way we feel and see and think. Right after our meditation, if we have a good feeling for the world, then we know our meditation was good. If we see the world in a loving way in spite of its imperfections, if we can love the world even while seeing its teeming imperfections, then we know that our meditation was good.”

Sri Chinmoy 9

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Quotes on love



“Try not to change the world. You will fail. Try to love the world. Lo, the world is changed. Changed forever.”

– Sri Chinmoy 1

“Love, my friends, my soulful friends, love. Let us love. True, this world of ours is full of hatred and disbelief, but that is no reason why we should not love and why we should not believe. We must love and believe in order to empty the hatred-sea.”

– Sri Chinmoy 2

“First of all, let us try to know what love is. If love means to possess someone or something, then that is not real love, not pure love. If loves means to give oneself, to become one with everything and everyone, then that is real love.”

– Sri Chinmoy 3

“Love is the inner bond, the inner connection, the inner link between man and God, between the finite and the infinite.”

– Sri Chinmoy 3

“By loving more and more,
One day we shall be able to solve
All our problems.”

– Sri Chinmoy 5

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Quotes about running

Quotes about running by Sri Chinmoy.


Benefits of running

“The inner running and the outer running complement each other. For outer running, we need discipline. Without a life of discipline, we cannot succeed in any walk of life. So when we do outer running, it reminds us of the inner running.”

– Sri Chinmoy 1

“Running helps us considerably. Running is continuous motion. Because of our running, we feel that there is a goal — not only an outer goal but also an inner goal.”

– Sri Chinmoy 2

“In the morning if we can energise ourselves with physical activities, then we can accomplish so many things during the rest of the day. That is why I say sports and physical fitness are of supreme importance. If we neglect the physical and let the body become weak, then the mind also becomes weak.”

– Sri Chinmoy 3

“Runners deal with freshness, freshness of the mind. While they are running, nature is helping them. Every day, early in the morning or in the evening, runners go out to practise in the street or at a track. When you run, it is just you and Mother Nature. From the sky, light is flowing. Here, there, you get so much inspiration. Everything helps you to achieve your goal.”

– Sri Chinmoy 4

Running and meditation

“Before running, however, meditation is good to make the mind calm and quiet so that wrong forces do not enter. When you meditate, your mind acquires some poise. Then, while you are running, if you can bring forward this poise, it will help you overcome the mental frustration that often comes while running long distances.”

– Sri Chinmoy 5

“This is my simple suggestion. Before the race starts, meditate most soulfully for five minutes. Try to make yourself feel that you are not the runner, but that somebody else is running in and through you. You are only the witness, the spectator.”

– Sri Chinmoy 6

“In sports we need energy, strength and dynamism. When we meditate, we make our mind calm and quiet. If inside us there is peace, then we will derive tremendous strength from our inner life. That is to say, if I have a peaceful moment, even for one second, that peace will come to me as solid strength in my sports, whether I am running or jumping or throwing. That strength is almost indomitable strength, whereas if we are restless, we do not have strength like that.”

– Sri Chinmoy 7

“When a runner focuses all his attention on a particular race, he is in a position to free his mind, liberate his mind, from uncomely distractions. Here one-pointed concentration is the pathfinder for a deeper meditative consciousness.”

– Sri Chinmoy 7

The meaning of running

“Running means continual transcendence, and that is also the message of our inner life.”

– Sri Chinmoy 2

“These long distance races remind me of our Eternity’s race. Along Eternity’s Shore we are running, running, running. We are running and running with our birthless and deathless hopes. We are running and running with the ever-transcending Beyond.””

– Sri Chinmoy 10

“Run and become.
Become and run.
Run to succeed in the outer world.
Become to proceed in the inner world.”

Sri Chinmoy, 11

“The outer running reminds us
Of the soul’s inner running
With Eternity, Infinity and Immortality.”

– Sri Chinmoy 12

“My outer running makes me unimaginably happy. My inner running makes my Lord abundantly proud of me.”

– Sri Chinmoy 13

“Running is a symbolic sport in the sense that it reminds us of spiritual seekers continuously running towards the goal; it resembles the seekers running inwardly to achieve the ultimate goal in meditation.”

– Sri Chinmoy, 14

“I am running a marathon.
Self-pity, self-doubt, all gone.
The golden Goal is beckoning me.
I am now ecstasy-flood-sea.”

– Sri Chinmoy, 15

Winning and losing

“He is the great winner
Who wins.
He is the greater winner
Who is the cheerful loser.
He is the greatest winner
Who gives equal value
To victory and defeat.
He alone is the real loser
Who separates
Defeat from victory.”

– Sri Chinmoy 16

“To cope with the disappointment of losing, you have to ask yourself whether the mind is disappointed or the heart is disappointed. You will come to realise that it is your mind that is disappointed and not your heart. The mind creates division; the mind is division itself, and division is another name for pain, devastating pain. The heart, on the other hand, creates oneness; in fact, the heart is oneness itself, and oneness is another name for joy, spontaneous joy.”

– Sri Chinmoy 17

“If the runner is a seeker, then he has a special role. His role is to compete with himself and try to increase his own capacity. But he has to know that he will increase his capacity only by virtue of the infinite Grace of God, if so is the Will of God.”

– Sri Chinmoy, 18

“Competition is good,
Provided it is the competition
Of self-transcendence
And not the competition
Of ego-demonstration.”

– Sri Chinmoy 19

“I do not compete
With the rest of the world.
I compete only with myself,
For my progress is my true victory.”

– Sri Chinmoy 20

“Ask me to run with the fastest runner and I will be nowhere. But when the person runs, I get great joy because I feel that it is I who have run the fastest. If you can identify with other people’s successes instead of envying them, you will get a great deal more joy out of life. And of course, if you can identify with their defeats as well, you will learn sympathy and kindness as well as enriching your own experience.”

– Sri Chinmoy 21

“Life and sports cannot be separated; they are one. As a matter of fact, life itself is a game. This game can be played extremely well, provided the player develops consciously or unconsciously the capacity to invoke the transcendental energy which is always manifested in action.”

– Sri Chinmoy 22

Drugs in sport

“I am extremely happy that they are going out of their way to make sure the athletes do not take drugs. It is a great, great achievement. It is not only a physical or mental achievement; it is not only an achievement in the athletic world. It represents also a great advance for the spiritual life. People who take drugs are destroying their nerves and their health.”

– Sri Chinmoy 23


Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy was born in India in 1931, and in 1964 came to New York, US. In the West, Sri Chinmoy became a prolific writer. By his mahasamadhi in October 2007, he had over 1,590 books published. This ranged from talks, question and answers to short instructional aphorisms. From this vast body of work, we have selected a few of the most memorable quotes, which can be useful for a daily reminder to pursue a simpler and more peaceful lifestyle.

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Sri Chinmoy Quotes

First of all, let us try to know what love is. If love means to possess someone or something, then that is not real love, not pure love. If loves means to give oneself, to become one with everything and everyone, then that is real love.

– Sri Chinmoy 1

By loving more and more,
One day we shall be able to solve
All our problems.

– Sri Chinmoy 2

 A pessimist is he who shuts his eyes to the rising sun. An optimist is he who looks up and sees through the teeming clouds. A realist is he who faces the clouds and adores the sun.

– Sri Chinmoy 3

Every day there is only one thing to learn: How to be honestly happy

– Sri Chinmoy 4

Change your inner attitude first! Your outer environment will automatically change.

– Sri Chinmoy 5

Just change your thought-pattern! Lo, the entire world loves you, needs you and claims you as its very own.

– Sri Chinmoy 6

I have written on the tablet of my heart that God received a drop from me and gave me the ocean in return.

– Sri Chinmoy 7

Do you know why
You do not want to dominate others?
You do not want to dominate others
Because you are amazingly strong.

– Sri Chinmoy 8

Do you know why you do not blame others? You do not blame others because your heart-life is flooded with the qualities of sainthood.

– Sri Chinmoy 9

Be kind. Be involved in your friend’s outer problems. Be wise. Be not involved in your friend’s inner decisions.

Sri Chinmoy, 10

When we encourage others with no personal motives, we raise high, very high, humanity’s progress-standard.

– Sri Chinmoy 11

 If the ignorance-world challenges you, fight not back. Just fly and fly far beyond the world’s tempting and binding snares.

– Sri Chinmoy 12

What I have proudly said over the years has no value. What I have humbly become over the years for me is invaluable.

– Sri Chinmoy 13

When we have something that is dedicated to the cause of peace, it is very significant in our life. The word ‘peace’ is very, very important in our life. You can say it is the most important thing in our life. Everything else we have in today’s world, but we do not have peace. If we want name and fame, prosperity and so forth, we can get them. But when it comes to peace, we do not easily get it. Peace is a most difficult thing to attain. But when there is a monument that mentions peace and people come and see it, they try to have peace in their own lives.

– Sri Chinmoy 14
